Volume 40, Issue 1, June 2014
Improved Agricultural Practices to Mitigate the Effect of Climate Change
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Effect of FYM, Mulching and Irrigation Scheduling on Water Use and Productivity of Garden Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
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Effect of Flowering Regime and Flower Age on Self Incompatibility Response in S-Allele Lines of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea Var. capitata L.)
Abstract views: 36 times|
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Evaluation of Different Varieties of Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] under Organic Farming Conditions in Mid Hills of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 35 times|
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Effect of Manual and Chemical Thinning on Graded Yield and Fruit Quality in Nectarine [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch var. nucipersica] Cv. May Fire
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Production of Elite Planting Material of Strawberry Using Soil-Less Substrates under Protected Condition
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Acclimatization and Performance of Micropropagated Clonal Rootstocks and Scion Cultivars of Apple under Different Growing Structures
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Yield Gap and Economics of Chick Pea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivation in Low Hills of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 21 times|
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Morphometrics and Annual Life Cycle of Greenhouse Whitefly [Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)] in Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 56 times|
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Ergonomic Evaluation of Hill Farm Women in Paddy Transplanting
Abstract views: 12 times|
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An Astute Analysis of Women Empowerment through Social, Political and Economic Opportunities
Abstract views: 21 times|
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Hard Anatomy and Morphometry of Hill Stream Fish [Channa punctatus (Bloch.)]
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Short Note
Micronutrient Cations Status in Vegetable Growing Soils of Sub-Humid and Wet-Temperate Zones of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 11 times|
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Incidence of the Green Peach Aphid [Myzus persicae (Sulzer)] on Sweet Pepper under Greenhouse Environment
Abstract views: 23 times|
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Evaluation of Frenchbean Varieties for Resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Races Causing Bean Anthracnose
Abstract views: 30 times|
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Status and Distribution of Alternaria Blight Associated with Rapeseed-Mustard in Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 25 times|
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Field Efficacy of Amitraz against Ticks in Cattle
Abstract views: 38 times|
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