Volume 40, Issue 2, December 2014
Pasteurellosis in animals of Himachal Pradesh
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Physiological Parameters, Nodulation and Yield in Soybean(Glycine max L.) as Influenced by Organic Manures and Fertility Levels
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Response of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) to Levels of Phosphorus in Relation to Integrated Weed Management
Abstract views: 31 times|
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Production Efficiency and Profitability of Forage Based Cropping Systems under Mid Hills of North-Western Himalayas
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Effect of Locally Available Potting Mixture on Nursery Raising of Summer Squash (Cucurbita pepo Linn.) under Organic Conditions
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Effect of Age of Plant on Compatibility Levels in Mid-Late Maturity Group of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. Var. Botrytis)
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Impact of Sericulture Development Project in District Bilaspur of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 19 times|
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A Comparative Study on Anthropometric Measurements of ICDS and Non-ICDS Children in Selected Blocks of Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh
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Gender-Wise Relationship between Children's Behaviour and Parenting Style
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Factors Affecting Pre-Weaning Mortality in Gaddi Goats of Western Himalayas under Transhumance Production System
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Feeding Maize Plus Booster Ration Vis-a-vis Readymade Feed in Broiler Chicken
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Short Note
Evaluation of Maize Inbreds and their Hybrids against Bacterial Stalk Rot, Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight under Mid Hill Conditions
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Nitrate/Nitrite Toxicity in Buffaloes of Himachal Pradesh:A Case Investigation
Abstract views: 15 times|
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