Volume 50, Issue 1, June 2024
Review Article
Harnessing Polyploidy for Vegetable Crop Improvement: Strategies and Applications
Abstract views: 131 times|
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Status paper
Beekeeping in Himachal Pradesh: Way to an Economic Entrepreneurship
Abstract views: 91 times|
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Full Length Papers
Heterosis for Fodder and Seed Yield Traits in Common Oat (Avena Sativa L.)
Abstract views: 57 times|
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Comparative Efficiency of Randomized Complete Block Design Versus Alpha Lattice Design in Wheat Breeding Experiments
Abstract views: 80 times|
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Genetic Diversity of Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Tataricum Gaertn.) Genotypes Based on Cluster And Principal Component Analyses in Organic Agriculture
Abstract views: 75 times|
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Genetic Analysis of Variation in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) For Yield and Yield Components under Organic Vis-a-vis Chemical Input Conditions
Abstract views: 52 times|
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Sulphur Distribution in Acidic Soil Profiles of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 83 times|
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Effect of Foliar Spray of Biostimulants on Growth of Transplanted Rice (Oryza Sativa)
Abstract views: 98 times|
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Effect of Biofertilizers and Fertility Levels on Phenology, Agronomic Efficiency and Crop Recovery Efficiency of Gobhi Sarson (Brassica Napus L.)
Abstract views: 55 times|
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Diversity and Abundance of Chrysomelids Associated with Rice under Natural Farming in mid Hill Conditions of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 36 times|
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Seasonal Abundance of Invasive Leaf Miner, Phthorimaea Absoluta (Meyrick) on Tomato under Mid Hill Conditions of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 49 times|
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Impact of Storage Conditions on Seed-borne Mycoflora and Seed Health Parameters of Soybean [Glycine Max /i>(L.) Merrill]
Abstract views: 36 times|
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Occurrence of Angular Leaf Spot of Common Bean in Major Growing Areas of Himachal Pradesh And Effect of Leaf Wetness Durations on Its Development
Abstract views: 37 times|
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Endophytic and Pathogenic Fungal Root Communities Associated with Pea in Sub-humid and Dry Temperate Regions of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 40 times|
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Viral Diseases Incidence and Symptomatology Spectrum Associated with Capsicum under Protected Cultivation in Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 53 times|
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Biochemical and Physiological Characterization of Ralstonia Solanacearum Causing Bacterial Wilt of Tomato
Abstract views: 47 times|
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Studies on Factors Affecting the Pathogenesis of Alternaria Solani (Ell. And Mart.) Jones and Grout On Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill.)
Abstract views: 42 times|
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Morpho-cultural Variability of Fusarium Solani Isolates Causing Root Rot of Okra in Low and Mid Hills of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 57 times|
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Short Communication
Seasonal Incidence of Insect Pests of Cauliflower in Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh
Abstract views: 122 times|
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Seasonal Abundance and Population Fluctuation of Pea Leaf Miner, Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) Infesting Pea
Abstract views: 65 times|
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Population Buildup of Red Spider Mite, Oligonychus Coffeae N. In Tea
Abstract views: 37 times|
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Comparative Biology of Spodoptera Frugiperda (Je Smith) on Maize and Sorghum
Abstract views: 48 times|
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Community Science
Assessment of Level of Emotional Intelligence and Gender Differences among College Going Youth Of Chandigarh
Abstract views: 26 times|
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Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Six-limb-lead Electrocardiogram in Common Dog Breeds: Reference Values
Abstract views: 87 times|
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