Guidelines to the Contributors
The Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research publishes research papers in the fields of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Home Science, Basic Sciences and other allied fields from all over the world. Review articles on current research topics are also published.
- Membership of Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research (HJAR) is mandatory for all the authors who wish to contribute full length research papers and short communications for publication in the journal, published half yearly, in June and December. The articles shall be processed only after receipt of membership fee of all authors.
- All papers must be in English and report the original research and reviews in the areas of agriculture and allied sciences. The authors should clearly state that the paper has not been published or under consideration for publication, elsewhere.
- The manuscript of the paper/short communications, (typed in Times New Roman font (font size 12) with double spacing on one side of A4 (210x297mm) paper with 30 mm wide left and right margins, should not normally exceed 15 typed pages (full length paper) and 5-6 typed-pages (short communications), including tables and figures should be sent to the Editor (, Directorate of Research, Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176 062 (H.P.) India. Footnotes, indicated by * or † should be kept to a minimum. Abbreviations should be defined when first mentioned in the text of the paper. Do not underline any headings. Each page should be numbered. First page of the manuscript should contain Title, Authors, Affiliation and Complete address. The second page should start with Title, Abstract, Key words and Introduction.
- Title should be brief, phrased to identify the contents of the article summarizing the nature of the study essential for key word indexing and information retrieval. A short running title may also be given.
- By-line should contain, in addition to the name(s), the initials of the authors and the institution where the research was conducted.
- A concise Abstract providing a preview of the research work should be restricted to 150 words. It should be given before the introduction.
- Key words: List (4-6 words) all the main topics incorporated in the paper, including any already given in the title.
- Introduction: Include a clear description of the aims of the investigation (without summarizing the work itself) and a brief statement of previous relevant work with references.
- Materials and Methods should be in sufficient detail to enable researchers to repeat experiment using similar materials and methods. This part should include new techniques and modifications to known methods but known methods must be given adequate references. Give the statistical design employed for each experiment and data interpretation.
- Scientific names: Give the scientific names (with authority) for plants, animals, microorganisms with generic names in full at the first mention, eg Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Thereafter, abbreviate them in the text, eg M. persicae; give them in full (without authority) in the headings of sections, tables, figures and key words. Cultivars need to be specified.
- Results and Discussion should be combined. Present results concisely, using tables or illustrations and statistical significance of the results. Avail professional assistance while presenting figures and charts. Computer-drawn diagram must be prepared on a high quality laser or ink jet printers, not on dot matrix printer, in black ink. Line drawings and figures should be of best quality suitable for direct reproduction. Results should be followed by concise discussion, interpretation and conclusion. Avoid overstatements.
- Acknowledgments: Keep these to the absolute minimum when utterly necessary. Avoid thanks for permission to publish.
- Conflict of interest : Provide a statement that (Authors declare no competing interest).
- References should include published literature cited in the body of the paper. Accurate and correct style should be followed in quoting references in the body of the paper (surname up to two authors followed by the year of publication; in case of more than two authors use et al.) and in reference section. Ensure that all the references cited in the text are listed under references and vice versa. In the case of periodicals, names and initials of all authors, year of publication, title of paper, name of journal (in standard abbreviation form), volume, issue number and complete page range of article should be given. However, in case of books, names and initials of all authors, year of publication, and title of book, name and place of publication, edition and pagination should be given.
Quote Journals/Periodicals as:- Banyal DK, Singh A and Tyagi PD 2005. Pathogenic variability in Erysiphe pisi causing pea powdery mildew. Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research 31 (2): 87-92.
- Akin DE and Morrison WH 1988. Ozone treatment of forage: structure and digestibility of different types of lignified cell walls. Crop Science 28: 337-42.
Articles published online but not yet assigned to an issue may be cited using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Quote Books as:- Jackson ML 1967. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
- Peppler HJ 1979. Production of yeast and yeast products. In: Microbial Technology (Vol 1-Microbial Processes), eds Peppler HJ and Perlman D. Academic Press, New York, USA, pp 157-85.
Ayiecho PO 1992. Quantitative studies in two grain amaranth populations using two selection methods. Ph D thesis, University of California, Davis (unpublished). - Units and Nomenclature: Use SI units in accordance with the recommendations of the International Organizations for Standardization (ISO). Use the form g kg-1 etc (not %) to specify content/composition/ concentration. However, standard practice to express in gram (g) e.g. 1000-grain weight or yield per plant may be adopted. Use % only to express proportional change. Use the current systematic IUPAC nomenclature throughout.
- 'Copyright Transfer Agreement Form' duly filled-in may be submitted along with the manuscript.
- The responsibility of statements, opinion expressed in the paper, rests entirely with the author (s) and not with the editorial board or the publisher.
Review articles on current research topics are invited.