Evaluation of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne.) Cultivars under Polyhouse Conditions in Mid Hills of Himachal Pradesh


  • N. D. Negi Department of Horticulture, CSK Himachal Pradesh KrishiVishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176 062
  • S. K. Upadhyay Department of Horticulture, CSK Himachal Pradesh KrishiVishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176 062


Micropropagated, Strawberry, Camarosa, Sweet Charlie, Polyhouse, TSS, Runner, Acidity.


Three micropropagated strawberry cultivars viz. Camarosa, Douglas and Sweet Charlie along with runners of Chandler (multiplied conventionally) were evaluated in a polyhouse at Palampur during 2013-14. The results showed significant variation in vegetative growth, fruit quality and yield parameters due to cultivars. The maximum leaf area (61.59 cm2) was recorded in Camarosa whereas, the minimum (40.99 cm2) in cultivar Sweet Charlie. Runner production and number of leaves per plant were significantly higher in cultivar Camarosa as compared to other cultivars. The yield attributes were also significantly varied among different genotypes. Chandler (7.81) remaining at par with Camarosa (6.80) resulted in significantly higher number of berries per plant. Berries yield was maximum in Camarosa (72.63 q/ha). The qualitative attributes of the fruits like berry size, weight, TSS, acidity and TSS/acid ratio were also significantly varied among cultivars.


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How to Cite

Negi, N. D., & Upadhyay, S. K. (2016). Evaluation of Strawberry (<I>Fragaria x ananassa</I> Duchesne.) Cultivars under Polyhouse Conditions in Mid Hills of Himachal Pradesh. Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research, 42(1), 32–36. Retrieved from https://hjar.org/index.php/hjar/article/view/109800





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