Effect of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA), Cow Urine and Growing Media on Root Formation in Tomato Stem Cuttings
IBA, Cow Urine, Tomato, Stem Cuttings, Rooting.Abstract
An experiment was conducted to study the response of growing media and various concentrations of IBA and cow urine on root parameters viz., number of days to root initiation, number of roots per cutting, root length (cm) and survival percentage of the stem cuttings (%). Root formation was significantly earlier in the cuttings treated with RH1C2G2 (RHl = IBA, C2 = 100 ppm and G2 = SoU) and CUCIGI (CU = Cow urine, Cl = 5% and G1 = SoiUess) i.e. 4.67 days than the non treated tomato stem cuttings. Maximum number of roots per cutting (27.67) and longer root length (8.73 cm) were obtained from treatment RH1C3G2 (RHl = IBA, C3 = 150 ppm and G2 = Soil). All treatments showed a significant increase in all the root parameters except survival percentage of the stem cuttings (%).Downloads
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